
Navigating a New Venture's Talent Acquisition Challenges

Ashley Keaveney
Navigating a New Venture's Talent Acquisition Challenges

Sometimes a large enterprise makes the strategic decision to spin off a division of their company for incremental growth. When a spin-off occurs, it does not come without its inherent complexities and challenges − particularly in the realm of talent acquisition and management.

There are many crucial decisions that need to be made when a company becomes a standalone entity, including how will the company be structured, will our existing employees and contingent workers stick with us, do we have the technology needed to operate efficiently, will we need a talent partner to help us navigate these upcoming challenges? 

In the case of one of DZConneX's new customers, they did need a talent partner to navigate this uncharted territory, and they chose us! Read on to see how the partnership was established and has since progressed.


The Dilemma 

In April of 2022, a large enterprise organization operating in the medical device industry decided to spin off a division of the company. As this division began to establish themselves as a new independent company, they needed help navigating their talent acquisition and contingent workforce management processes. One of our former customer's referred us to this new medical device company, they reached out to our team, and our exceptional partnership began. Our new customer was essentially starting from scratch, and they needed a talent partner who could quickly provide organizational structure while setting up and taking control of their contingent labor processes. 


The Strategy

Our dedicated teams immediately got to work to implement a 1st Generation Managed Services Provider (MSP) solution for our customer in the short timeline they provided us. With only eight weeks until the customer needed us to go live, we quickly introduced our ConneX technology platform which gave us more agility and control over system configuration and provided everyone with visibility into the process. The initial strategy was to ensure we were able to deliver the core elements of technology, payroll and recruitment delivery, supplier management, and IC vetting services as we worked to further expand the scope and breadth of the program throughout the first year.  


The Impact 

DZConneX delivered a successful implementation on time and on budget, and we achieved 100% successful supplier and worker transition. Our client’s contingent worker population has nearly doubled in the first 9 months with the help of our program team. Additionally, we were engaged with 34 hiring managers in the beginning, but our program team currently engages with 91 hiring contacts – an increase of 167.6%. Since our customer has been thrilled with our MSP services in the U.S., they have selected DZX to expand services globally for them in over 10 countries. Our partnership with this medical device company is a profound example of how we can start small with our talent solution, build trust, and expand on the solution over time to provide an even brighter future for our clients. 


For additional information about the success we have had with this customer so far, check out the full case study here. 


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