
Understanding Total Talent Management

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Understanding Total Talent Management

Total Talent has a different meaning to each organization and requires a uniquely configured solution to meet each client's specific needs. Offering a holistic program to help manage an organization's Total Talent requires dedication, experience, and coordination to succeed.

What Is a Total Talent Solution?
A Total Talent Solution is a blended program of different staffing services and types, such as Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO), Managed Service Provider (MSP), Independent Contractors, Freelancers, Payroll Services, SOW and more into one customized solution that helps organizations hire any classification of talent. 

In many cases, procurement typically manages contingent staffing within an organization, while the Human Resources or Talent Acquisition department focuses on full-time staffing. When these two departments decide to procure talent collaboratively, Total Talent can come into place.

Technology and Teams

The best way to cover all your talent needs and optimize your workforce is through one unified program, and this is where the right talent partnership can make your program soar. A talent partner can look at your technology and see how it can be integrated for efficiency and growth. 

A Total Talent partner will typically manage your contingent labor needs and talent supply chain while creating a top-notch workforce solutions team designed for your organization. Within DZConneX (DZX) specifically, our dedicated program management team can help solve even your most challenging problems with our proprietary technology and innovative approach to total talent solutions.

DZX focuses on providing integrated total talent solutions through our proprietary Total Talent ConneX ecosystem, which connects talent, technology, and teams to deliver total talent acquisition, innovative solutions, and program management.

Outsourcing Vs. Insourcing

When working with a Total Talent partner, it's essential to consider what pieces of the recruiting and hiring process you would like to outsource vs. insource. Are you looking to have a Total Talent service manage a particular department of your organization? Or specific roles? Consider how your in-house recruiters will collaborate with your new Total Talent partner.

Getting the Right Candidates Hired

One of the most significant benefits of partnering with a Total Talent service is hiring the best candidates for your organization, regardless of worker classification. Your Total Talent partner can talk to qualified candidates interested in an available role within your organization and get them to the right channel that meets the candidate where they are in the hiring process. Your Total Talent partner will manage the process of getting the candidate in the door, whether they are placed as an independent contractor, Statement of Work (SOW), full or part time worker, contingent worker, or direct hire. Your Total Talent partner will often manage the hiring process from start to finish, which ensures the right talent at the right time. 

What makes a Total Talent Solution so unique is that it pulls components from all types of staffing services, such as MSP, RPO, direct sourcing, independent contractors, and advisory/consulting services to fit your organization's needs best. The entire program is uniquely configured for you, so you get the maximum service for your exact needs.

What DZX's Total Talent Solutions Offers:

  • Proprietary and adaptable Total Talent ConneX ecosystem that connects disparate talent management technologies and enables them with proprietary 3rd party applications
  • Total talent analytics
  • Integrated process and singular program for internal and external talent needs
  • Talent pool sourcing and management
  • Full optimization of your total talent supply chain
  • Aggregated cost-saving opportunities
  • Streamlined talent acquisition process
  • High-level candidate experience with more robust engagement and retention
  • Improved employee value proposition
  • Effective and efficient service delivery, allowing you to focus on meeting your business's critical objectives and goals

DZConneX (DZX) has been an established leader in total talent solutions for over 30 years. We solve complex talent needs while helping clients decrease costs and improve their business operations. Learn more about DZX and Total Talent Solutions here


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