
The Benefits of A Payroll Plus Solution

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The Benefits of A Payroll Plus Solution

Making sure your entire workforce is being paid accurately, on time, and in accordance with all compliance guidelines is essential to the success of any organization. And in today's increasingly competitive business landscape, your organization's payroll solution can be a differentiator to your talent. Many current candidates are saying that what they want more than anything else is a high-touch experience with value to them personally. The payroll process may not seem like a direct link to that experience they are looking for, but it certainly can be, with the right talent partner by your side to optimize your organization's payrolling. 

Payroll as an outsourcing solution is not new to the marketplace – contingent workers have needed payment for decades, and streamlining the payroll process has been a value-add to employers as well. But what about the value to the worker? In these changing times, companies need to consider whether their payroll solution is enhanced with the features and benefits that talent wants in order to stay engaged with their assignment – hence DZConneX's advanced solution:  Payroll Plus.


What Is Payroll Plus? 

Payroll Plus goes well beyond the simple invoicing of a time card and delivering a paycheck. A true talent partner can provide accurate payment to their contingent talent on time, every time while providing best-in-class service. Much for the same reason more companies than ever are choosing MSP programs; they realize that the right talent partner will deliver value, compliance, and visibility to their clients.

As a trusted talent partner, DZConneX understands what your workforce wants. Because we are singularly focused on the holistic contractor journey, our experts can deeply tap into their mindset as a group. Companies that are looking to better manage their contingent workforce may not know where to start – a good starting point would be choosing a payroll provider who can help your organization take a holistic view of all of your talent, and help reduce turnover in that non-full-time-employee population. One way to do that is through Payroll Plus – even if you’re not in an MSP but still have a contractor population you want to retain, consider offering your workforce paid time off, health benefits, holiday time, etc. Payroll Plus is the answer to providing that.  


How Our Process Works 

But why outsource that option? Well first you have to determine if you want to keep your contingent workforce contingent. If so, adding value to the worker without a contingent talent expert’s help can be challenging and time-consuming. DZConneX is not just a Payroll Plus provider, but a Total Talent solutions provider with expertise regarding ways to better onboard, pay, and drive retention within your talent pool to give you more time to focus on your business objectives and less time focusing on worker payroll. And our solution is designed to be customizable to meet your unique needs and guarantee that your contingent workforce is getting as much value out of the payroll process as possible.

One of the key differentiators between DZConneX and our typical light industrial competitors is the centralization model that we utilize. We don’t use brick-and-mortar local branches to supply our clients with the talent they need. With a light industrial provider, the service you receive will only be as good as the local branch that’s assisting your company; whereas DZConneX’s state-of-the-art service will be a consistent and predictable experience due to our centralized model.

Since we have a front-row seat to the contractor’s journey, we consistently collect quantitative and qualitative feedback, data, and trends. These reports ultimately allow us to recommend strategic action plans to clients based on our data-driven conclusions about what’s important to a workforce. And our recommended targeted actions result in increased onboarding speed, assignment length, and overall contractor satisfaction.


Optimizing the Candidate and Client Experience 

A key focus of this approach it to optimize the candidate experience from on-boarding through off-boarding and every step along the way, giving talent a full-time employee feeling with their contingent employer. We provide clients with a dedicated delivery team that is committed to helping your organization with any need that arises throughout the duration of our partnership and ensuring all targets are being hit. The more experts we have readily available for you means the less administrative roles that you need to fill within your company.

DZConneX is a partner with experience servicing Payroll Plus programs, backed by our ConneX platform. This proprietary technology ecosystem provides a high-quality experience for workers and employers to ensure seamless communication and payroll process visibility. Additionally, our ConneX solution can be integrated with any VMS tool to leverage the best technology and create a unique and innovative solution to minimize disruption to your existing processes and deliver the highest value.

As your programs needs evolve and change, we will grow with you. The highly customizable nature of our Payroll Plus services make it easy to “evolve our solve” to meet your ever-changing needs without having to completely restructure the payroll program that we set up for your organization.

Our efficient Payroll Plus service prioritizes our team of experts treating your non-full-time workers with the highest care possible.


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