Are you struggling with hiring at your high-volume recruiting firm? It’s pretty common for high-volume recruiters to not achieve their desired results, even from the most extensive recruitment drives. But some HR professionals cracked the algorithm of volume hiring.
It’s not only about doing everything right! It’s also about not doing anything wrong. This blog will provide you with a list of costly mistakes to avoid for the success of your hiring process.
5 Common Mistakes to Avoid During Volume Hiring
Warner Buffett has correctly noted that “It’s good to learn from your mistakes. It’s better to learn from other people’s mistakes.” Following are the 5 most common but costly mistakes that successful recruiters avoid. Read these and save yourself the trouble of learning from your mistake.
1. Not Looking at a Bigger Picture
What do you see in a candidate that makes you hire them? Your reply would probably be their capabilities, education, experience, etc. These characteristics are good enough when you are only hiring for a selected few positions. But when you are volume hiring, you are working on a structure, so the candidate should also be able to interchange some roles if required.
If you don’t look at this bigger picture, you won’t maximize the efficiency of the end-to-end procedure. Any employee can become the weak link dragging the team's efforts backward, so you need to avoid making a bad hire. Also, candidates hired considering only the fragment of the purpose is not ideal for internal hiring or promotions.
2. Approaching the Hiring Process in a Non-Flexible Way
Gone are the days when only the employer’s point of view mattered. The candidates also have a major say in their recruitment in the 21st century. Designing a hiring mechanism to suit employers only would be a big mistake. A lucrative hiring procedure is beneficial for both the candidate and the employer.
Focus on making the recruitment process shorter and candidate-friendly. You can do this without compromising on providing enough data to the recruiter to make a sound decision. It takes some effort, but it’s vital. Otherwise, valuable candidates might start to avoid your interviews due to the lengthy process.
3. Not Utilizing Automation
This point can’t be stressed enough! If you think volume hiring is possible without the help of automation, you are in for some disappointment. You are working on a large scale, so you need help from technology to do it efficiently. Additionally, the smallest of human errors in these extensive processes are majorly disruptive.
Another common mistake is to use automation partially — it’s as good as not using it at all. You still have to do a lot of manual work, and the chances of error are still there. But bringing the end-to-end talent acquisition process under one tech roof to eliminate the possibility of more errors or delays in the process is the best strategy.
4. Using Superficial Recruitment Metrics
As much as you might benefit from tracking the right recruitment metrics, tracking the wrong ones wastes your time and doesn’t prove productive. Don’t get stuck in tracking straightforward and practically non-analytical KPIs like employment cost or the number of applicants.
By doing that, you would be avoiding the challenging and descriptive recruitment metrics which provide you with real insight into your operations. For instance, you should track the number of competent candidates, efficiency of the hiring procedure, application completion rate, attrition rate, etc.
5. Not Taking Employer Branding Seriously
Assuming that the candidate has come with a complete study of your brand is a blunder. They can check your website and other online information about your company, but only you can explain your company culture and achievements with unmatched passion.
Brief employer branding at the initial stage or at the end of the talent acquisition process is not enough. Not creating employer branding throughout the application process will devoid you of the trust and connection of a suitable applicant. You may also lose the opportunity of catching the interest of those candidates who perfectly align with your company policy and philosophy.
Bottom Line
Sometimes, leaders and HR managers get so consumed with the high-volume hiring demand that improving the hiring process doesn’t seem like a priority. However, identifying loopholes in your process is inevitable in the long term. Keep your thought process open to eliminate shortcomings and achieve quality hiring after every recruitment drive.
Author Bio: Kelly Barcelos is a progressive digital marketing manager for Jobsoid. She is responsible for leading the content and social media teams at work. Her expertise and experience in the field of HR enable her to create value-driven content for her readers – both on Jobsoid’s blog and other guest blogs where she publishes content regularly.