eBook: The 4 C's For Getting The Most From Your MSP
Best practice advice for using a Managed Services Provider (MSP) to optimize your contingent workforce
Most companies today understand that there are benefits to outsourcing the acquisition and management of their contingent labor to an MSP. But there are still some questions concerning exactly how an MSP program works and what benefits an MSP partnership provides. Our eBook is here to answer these questions, and more, to help guide your organization through your journey to workforce optimization.
The 4 C's that will be discussed throughout the eBook include cost, complexity, compliance, and culture as they relate to an MSP program. We will also discuss the short- and long-term goals of a contingent labor program, and you will learn how to evaluate and select the right talent provider.
This eBook will help you:
-Understand how an outsourced contingent labor program works and what the benefits of outsourcing this part of your business are
-Navigate the complexities of the contingent labor workforce and learn how they are managed differently than other workers
-Learn how an MSP program helps your organization adhere to strict compliance guidelines
-Develop a long-term and mutually beneficial partnership with your MSP