eBook: Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO): Definition, Cost Models & Goals

Discover how an RPO program can benefit your organization and how to select the right provider 


Many companies are looking to improve their talent acquisition capability and effectiveness, and one way they are doing that is through RPO programs. A good RPO program can replace the need for internal recruiting resources and leave all talent acquisition responsibilities to the experts - an experienced RPO provider. However, some organizations have a difficult time understanding exactly what an RPO program is or how to begin the vital selection process. 

This eBook will guide you through the selection of an RPO provider from start to finish. Our talent experts will give insight into the many ways an RPO provider will optimize your talent acquisition process and deliver the best talent possible to your organization. 


This eBook will help you:

-Understand what RPO is and what it isn't

-Differentiate between the different types of RPO programs and choose the best type for your organization 

-Explore the many cost models associated with RPO programs and compare them to choose what works best

-Prepare for and execute the selection of an RPO provider to meet your unique needs