eBook: Managing Co-Employment Risks

Tips to avoid common risks associated with contingent labor management


Today's companies are utilizing contingent labor now more than ever, which has forced leaders to take a closer look at employment laws concerning this workforce population. The best way to avoid the common pitfalls of co-employment is to partner with an experienced talent provider that has established policies and procedures in place to ensure compliance. 

It's crucial for companies to understand the relationship between an employee and their employer in order to avoid misclassification issues. To help you ensure that you and your organization are not engaged in any risky behavior, explore the tips uncovered in this eBook from DZConneX's talent experts. 


This eBook will help you:

-Uncover the common risks associated with co-employment and how to mitigate them 

-Understand the different types of relationships between employees and employers 

-Explore how your organization can benefit from partnering with a talent provider 

-See how co-employment risks can affect your company through a case study on a court hearing between Microsoft Corp. and Vizcaino