eBook: Choosing the Perfect RPO: How to Pick the Best Solution for Your Organization


Many organizations do not have the time, resources, or expertise to efficiently fulfill their workforce needs while simultaneously focusing on their business's success. Because of this, many turn to Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) providers to design and implement a program to meet their specific workforce needs.

Every organization has their own unique challenges, so an RPO program can be designed to only augment certain elements of the recruitment process, or it can entirely rebuild a customer's full-lifecycle recruitment process − it's up to the customer to decide how much they want their RPO provider to handle.

They also need to determine which type of RPO solution is right for their organization, with three options being: 

  • Project RPO
  • Recruiter On-Demand RPO
  • Source and Screen RPO

Download our eBook to learn about each type of  RPO program and help your organization determine which one could be the path to overcome your workforce challenges.  


What You Will Learn:

  • All you need to know about these 3 common types of RPO solutions 
  • Which type of organization will benefit from each RPO solution
  • The benefits of each solution 
  • Review three case studies that showcase how DZX's RPO solutions solved our client's workforce needs
  • What DZX's RPO solutions provide our customers