While women are the minority compared to their male counterpart in many industries, this is not the case in the healthcare industry. Women make up about 70% of the worldwide healthcare workforce which is great representation. But unfortunately, only 25% of these women are in positions of power. These numbers make it evident that there is still some work to be done in the diversity department for the healthcare industry, and this podcast dives into that concern.
In this episode of our Back to Work podcast series, our host, Joe McIntyre, and Yoh's Director of Healthcare Practices, Christine Torres, have an in-depth discussion about women working in the healthcare field.
Listen to our Podcast below:
Overcoming Roadblocks
As women navigate their careers, they inevitably face roadblocks that men do not. Christine shares some of the most common barriers women have to overcome including family responsibilities, less developed female leadership networks, and limited career advancement opportunities − which are the principal reasons they have a difficult time securing leadership positions.
Because these adversities exist, climbing the leadership ladder is no easy feat. Women are automatically behind men in the healthcare industry no matter who they are, so they have to work harder to land a spot in the leadership level. But could this narrative be shifting and the roadblocks be gradually disappearing?
A Shifting Narrative
The long-standing narrative that women have to solely run the household even if they have a job is starting to fade, as Christine discusses in the podcast. Many men today are taking more time to help with family/household responsibilities so women can devote more time to advancing their careers. It appears that women now have more of a voice to express their desire to work full-time while also raising a family, and their voices are being heard and respected.
There is also a shifting narrative around some of the misconceptions commonly given to jobs in the healthcare field. Many people think that healthcare professionals have to work odd hours, but a lot of healthcare positions actually offer the typical 9-to-5 schedule. Another false misconception is that healthcare workers always have to work directly with patients. However, many no-contact positions exist, especially in the administrative and case management areas. As more people are starting to realize the truth behind these misconceptions, more doors are opening up for women in healthcare.
How to Recruit and Retain a Diverse Workforce
The podcast continues with Christine discussing what it takes to recruit and retain diverse talent in the healthcare sector while making sure the candidates' and the clients' needs are being met. The key to success here is to listen. Recruiters need to listen to both parties' pain points and be an advocate, honest, empathetic, detail-oriented, and adaptable.
They should be listening to the ideal candidate descriptions that clients provide and convincing clients that they are delivering the best candidates to fit their needs. On the other hand, recruiters also need to be listening to the skills candidates possess and the roles they are interested in so that they can place them in a job they will thrive in. As long as recruiting professionals prioritize active listening, recruiting and retaining a diverse workforce will be attainable.
Throughout history, women have proven time and time again that they deserve a seat at the leadership table. We all need to be promoting the importance of having women working in the healthcare field in strong leadership positions. Raising awareness about the benefits of women in leadership will lead to positive changes for the future of the healthcare industry.
Listen to the full podcast here for more expert insights.