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4 Ways Company Leaders Can Keep the Motivational Spirit of Their Organization

Written by Guest Blogger | Mar 22, 2022 1:24:12 PM

Happy workers are usually more productive workers. In order for employees to be happy and productive, motivation is essential, and it helps you retain your top performers and minimize turnover. However, regardless of how completely your employees believe in your cause, they may start looking for other opportunities if they do not get enough motivational support from their managers and other leaders. So to ensure the motivational spirit is alive, here are some of the top ways that company leaders can keep their teams motivated.

1. Get Personal

Check in regularly with all your team members. Keep in mind that there is no one-size-fits-all solution to everyone’s needs. Give your employees a listening ear. Ask about what makes them tick, and support them depending on their preferences. Identify their individual goals and invest in their desired professional growth. Be sure to share your overarching organizational goals and respond to any concerns they may have.

Also, you can work towards giving every employee a purpose. When everyone has a clear purpose, they connect better with your vision. Such employees can also enhance their execution, faster steering you toward achieving your goals. Ensure that you help everyone understand how they fit into your big picture. The goal is to guarantee that your employees know that their efforts matter.


2. Motivate Individuals

All your employees want to feel that you value them. Take time to ask for their opinions and what they need, then act on everything they share with you. You will need to meet each of your employee’s individual needs to gain their trust and keep them motivated. You could also create growth opportunities to spur them to enhance their efforts.

Aligned incentives will also help to ensure that all your team members work towards a common goal. Be clear on your strategy and frame it diversely to convey that each employee's tasks benefit the whole team. Overall, you will notice that motivated individuals will inspire each other to accomplish greatness within your organization.


3. Be Open to Their Ideas

Include your team members as you seek solutions that can help manage stress while also maintaining motivation. Ask questions that encourage them to share their experiences and suggestions, like “What changes could make a difference in the job environment?” or “How can we support you?”. 

During your one-on-one sessions, listen to your employee’s ideas. Keep in mind that they are the best at their job duties, and they know what would help enhance their overall performance. Let different team members lead your conversations and the topics you discuss. In this way, your team members will share their opinions freely and be more motivated to make their ideas happen afterward.

Have an open-door policy to create the best working environment. When employees feel that their voice and opinions truly matter, they will feel confident about their positions in the company. Your employees will also know that they have more stake in your organization.

The same goes for nonprofit organizations. For example, if you are a leader in a nonprofit organization, your nonprofit executive search may indicate that you have a listening ear. Ensure that you do not disappoint your employees in this regard


4. Set Goals Weekly

Setting goals is invaluable in keeping your team on track. Short-term (weekly) goals are considered to be essential for accomplishing your long-term goals. In addition, smaller goals help to keep your team focused on your lofty ambitions.

For example, you could focus on reaching out to one hundred potential donors for your nonprofit this week – something that will get you to your financial donor’s goals. Then, reward the team with a party or afternoon off when they achieve these goals. With this approach, your employees will appreciate that you have realistic goals, and they will know that you reward their efforts and will be eager to help you achieve your next weekly goal.


Motivate Your Teams Proactively

Motivating employees requires you to show them that they have influence within your company and that you value them. All your employees must see how their tasks can contribute to your company’s end goal. Be sure to create open feedback channels and act on any given suggestions. Setting short-term goals will also help everyone remain focused on overarching goals.

Lack of motivation often leads to mediocre performance, poor customer service, and overall dissatisfaction. But the suggestions above can help boost your team’s motivation and improve your results.



About the Author: Since 1997 David Hutchinson, the president of Cause Leadership, a nonprofit executive search firm, has successfully placed senior-level candidates with a broad spectrum of organizations in the charitable sector. He also has a great interest in helping charitable organizations diversify, become younger in their leadership, and better represent their own clients.